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What a purrfect little book this is! Due to be published this September, 'My Life as a Cat' by Carlie Sorosiak follows 'I, Cosmo' in being a funny, tender-hearted and wise study of human life through the eyes of a pet - though this one has a slightly different conceit in that the said cat is actually an alien. And what fun this is!


Leonard is an alien being who was supposed to beam down to Earth to try out being a Yellowstone Ranger for a while. Instead he becomes a cat, rescued by Olive, a young girl with a big heart and enough intelligence to begin to realize Leonard is more than he seems. And Leonard will need help from her if he is able to get home and to get to grips with being amongst humans.


'My Life as a Cat' is wonderfully bonkers - kind of like 'ET' meets 'Homeward Bound'. There is much hilarity in Leonard inhabiting a cat form, and Sorosiak really understands how cats behave. The added twist of Leonard actually being an alien makes it even more funny and I kept picturing all these Youtube videos of cats acting oddly, like 'Keyboard Cat'. Perhaps all cats are aliens - it would make sense having grown up with cats myself and seen how weird they can be sometimes! However, as with 'I. Cosmo', this is a story that is actually about what it means to be human and to value family. Through Leonard's eyes we get fresh perspectives on what it means to be kind to each other, how to be kind to our planet and how we should relish all the experiences and relationships we are gifted in life. Olive, Norma and Q are brilliantly portrayed characters, and Leonard himself has a distinctive, insightful and hilarious voice to carry us through. This is a warm, snuggly book that will purr in your hands.


If you love cats, if you like alien perspectives on humanity, and if you simply enjoy books with a lot of heart, then I thoroughly recommend 'My Life as a Cat'. I can't wait to see what Carlie Sorosiak will write next, and what kind of curveball she might throw into a story, as this is certainly unique!


Thank you to the fabulous Nosy Crow for my proof copy to review.



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