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TutorHunt Profile:




Chris Soul UK writer teacher creative

Writer, Creative, Reviewer, Teacher

Golden Egg Academy, London, 2020

Member of SCBWI British Isles


I have been a primary school teacher for ten years, having worked in schools from deprived areas of London to the Andes of Ecuador. I have often read my own stories, children's books, and fairy-tales to my classes, and discussed the issues of the day. Children understand perhaps better than adults what is going on in the world and what we need to do to make a difference.


Currently I review the latest children's books and have been included in publicity campaigns for some of the major children's publishing houses in the UK. I am also a middle-grade writer and student of the prestigious Golden Egg Academy 2020. My latest work-in-progress is a spooky middle-grade fantasy-adventure: 'The Knights of Spitfire Row'. 


Before becoming a teacher I worked for arts organisations, including setting up and running a community magazine. I also briefly worked as a freelance reporter and arts reviewer for a local newspaper. 


Creativity is my thing - I love writing and reading books especially. I love championing the very best in children's literature. I am also a husband and father to two daughters - one a toddler who loves books and the other who is currently snuggling in her mummy's womb! 


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SCBWI member
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© 2020 by Chris Soul. 

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